niedziela, 21 lipca 2019

A few about asian food

Ikan goreng with rice, cucumber and of course sambal 😁 - typically ingredient in almost every Indonesia food, it is really spicy and mostly "bule" - like people in Indonesia names Australian, American or European tourists - aren't able to eat it😁
If going about me I'm addicted to asian and specially Indonesian food that I cannot imagine don't eat food with sambal almost every day.
Fortunately my wife is Indonesian and she can cooking a lot of really interesting and really delicious food 🙂

Mie ayam jamur 
Is one of the really delicious food. That "mie"- that's mean pasta we prepared own self used some asian recipe, because always the best taste really home made food.

Just prepared noodles after cut
Cooking in proceeding...


Almost done....

Now only we put it all in dishes...
And just done😁

Like my wife told it was the same good like original made in warung in Indonesia.
I can told the same it was really delicious.

Indonesian food has a lot of really good recipe and everyone who like asian food should try it, because it not only taste like delicious but like a lot of asian cousine can  make people feel better and much healthy. 
About connection between asian food and Traditional Chinese Medicine I'll explain a few later... in some of next articles.

piątek, 12 lipca 2019

How acupuncture can help for be cold

Last times in Poland weather always change... A few days ago was horrible hot but now suddenly is quite cold if going about sommer time. It makes a lot of people easy to be sick like have a cough and fever.
   Because I like training every mornings and after I have to go outside I did start to be cold too. Someday evening I did feel really weak and had a little cough and fever.
Because it was first day I've had illness I've doing a pulse diagnosis to be seen what is reason if going about energetic sistema and how can I help myself.
Check puls has really simple results like no balance in a few meridians. Especially bladder, loung and thick intestine meridians need a few regulations to be a balance come back. It was enough to used a few points of five elements (wuxing) during thirty minutes to be I feel good. That therapy I did in a two days everytime used a few different points. Second day I used a few extra points to be make a runny nose gone.
Example a few points which one I've used for runny nose.

Because I've done that therapy already illness has been beginning, I've healthy after used acupuncture needless only twice.

I recommend that therapy for everyone. The acupuncture with a pulse diagnosis is a really helpful method to be healing a lot of illness and keep own self healthy.

If you have some questions about acupuncture please just asking in a comment or e-mail.

sobota, 6 lipca 2019

The last training in a park near skra

A few time ago, when in Poland was horrible hot weather, I've met my friends to be training toghether. They wanted to see me and my wife bcs don't see us since about half year... I feel that day almost like have no energy bcs temperature in Poland that time was higher like 35 Celsius degree... but because I don't see my friends long time I decided to go to training with them.
I do baguazhang and xingyi quan, my friends traine huojiao fanzi. If I arrived that park they already keep training. I did only a few forms from my styles, and after trained gongfa with them. Even though a lot of gongfa in huojiao fanzi look like almost the same like in bagua I have some difficulties to do correctly a few movements from their styles... It look the same but inside different, different mechanic of techniques. Fighting strategy between that styles is different. In huojiao much kicks and punches in bagua much grappling applications. 
Always when we meet in training before, in end we did sparring in boxing gloves. I don't sparring a long time this way I wanted to do it to be remind myself a few fighting strategy in practice. Before training I watched a lot of applications from xingyi and bagua, in the last time I watched a few boxing sparring like Mike Tyson, Lenox Lewis, Holyfield and Foreman, to be found a few inspiration...
Because my friends don't bring boxing gloves and after training we only did a few tuishou with my friend Adaś. Aśka - Adam's girlfriend had critic us tuishou that it look weird bcs when she trained taiji tuishou look different and she start to teach Adam how to do tuishou correctly. Because on that day was no the master between us, Aśka was like a teacher and take care about all training to be all people do techniques correctly. This way she critic us tuishou, but I did it in other like taiji way bcs in bagua it is a few different too. I was quite glad from my tuishou bcs I remind myself a few strategy how to do a change distance to be make from long distance a short and start to do grappling techniques. In huojiao is a lot of good punches and Adaś remind me a few from this👍
In the end when I had almost zero energy and all other friends too, Adaś still did a few forms from huojiao fanzi. He have really good technique. It's really pleasure to see when he training forms👍

In the end of training I took Adaś and Aśka some picture in fighting position 😁