piątek, 12 lipca 2019

How acupuncture can help for be cold

Last times in Poland weather always change... A few days ago was horrible hot but now suddenly is quite cold if going about sommer time. It makes a lot of people easy to be sick like have a cough and fever.
   Because I like training every mornings and after I have to go outside I did start to be cold too. Someday evening I did feel really weak and had a little cough and fever.
Because it was first day I've had illness I've doing a pulse diagnosis to be seen what is reason if going about energetic sistema and how can I help myself.
Check puls has really simple results like no balance in a few meridians. Especially bladder, loung and thick intestine meridians need a few regulations to be a balance come back. It was enough to used a few points of five elements (wuxing) during thirty minutes to be I feel good. That therapy I did in a two days everytime used a few different points. Second day I used a few extra points to be make a runny nose gone.
Example a few points which one I've used for runny nose.

Because I've done that therapy already illness has been beginning, I've healthy after used acupuncture needless only twice.

I recommend that therapy for everyone. The acupuncture with a pulse diagnosis is a really helpful method to be healing a lot of illness and keep own self healthy.

If you have some questions about acupuncture please just asking in a comment or e-mail.

2 komentarze:

  1. Thank you Kuba. This information is very useful for many people. I think everyone can find something for itself.
